Owner, McCollum Associates

Michael McCollum specializes in negotiation, using creative solutions in conflict resolution. While with State government in the 1980s, Mr. McCollum proposed California’s first statewide wetland mitigation banking guidelines and encouraged the establishment of mitigation banks throughout the state. In private practice in the 1990s, he facilitated the adoption of the first state and national policies for the creation of conservation banks, and developed the nation’s first conservation bank under the new policies. These conservation and mitigation banking programs conserve more quality multispecies habitat while streamlining permitting procedures for landowner projects. He also assisted in the creation of the first Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) in California.

Mr. McCollum is experienced with the strategy, preparation, and negotiation of Regional Habitat Conservation Plans, Project HCPs, and Section 7 Consultations for both upland and wetland environs. He is adept at integrating project infrastructure, cost, community requirements, and economic viability with the need to conserve and protect wildlife resources.

Through his consulting firm, McCollum Associates, Mr. McCollum creates conservation and mitigation banks and acts as a real estate broker on behalf of his clients to negotiate and sell mitigation credits for project impacts.

Prior to the formation of McCollum Associates, Mr. McCollum was Chief Deputy Director of the California Department of Fish and Game, Deputy Secretary for the California Resources Agency, and worked as an environmental scientist with Fluor Engineers and Woodward-Clyde Consultants (URS).

While at the Department of Fish and Game, Mr. McCollum helped manage the nation's largest state wildlife department, was Governor Deukmejian's chief negotiator for California's landmark oil spill legislation, and was responsible for implementation of the new Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response, serving as its first Administrator.

In his position as Deputy Secretary for Resources, the state's natural resources superagency containing 7 departments and 20 boards and commissions, Mr. McCollum advised the Secretary and the Governor on environmental policies and programs. He was instrumental in negotiating agreements between Agency Departments and public and private water interests in the delta, Salton Sea, and southern California.

Mr. McCollum served as Commissioner on the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and was a Board Member of the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and helped to establish the Tahoe Conservancy. He was also a member of the Board of Governors of the National Coastal Resources Institute, a federal agency which promotes and funds projects to help the economies of coastal regions.

Before his work in government, Michael McCollum was a project manager for Fluor Engineers in Irvine, California where he managed environmental programs for a natural gas pipeline project in Alaska. While with Woodward-Clyde Consultants in San Diego, California he served as a principal field and laboratory researcher, working on environmental impact studies and environmental planning in many western and mid-western states.

Mr. McCollum holds a Master of Science degree in biology from San Diego State University, where he did invertebrate research on Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, and a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Arizona. He is an alternate for the California Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response Advisory Committee, and is active in community affairs.

McCollum Associates
330 Lakeway Terrace
Spring Hill, Tennessee USA 37174

Telephone (916) 708-2727


Barry Jones


President, Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc.

Barry Jones has over 27 years of experience in the field of conservation biology in California.  Over the past 20 years he served as senior biologist and project manager, overseeing a variety of projects. Many projects included implementation of wetland and upland restoration programs, development and permitting of wetland and conservation banks, field investigations, preparation of biological technical reports for a wide range of CEQA and NEPA projects, and processing of permits through various local, state and federal agencies.

Mr. Jones played a key role in the early development of mitigation bank and conservation bank programs in California. His contribution included initial site identification and assessment, processing of banking agreements through local, state and federal agencies, implementation of habitat restoration and monitoring efforts, and marketing of credit sales. 

As a recognized field biologist, Mr. Jones is considered one of the leading experts on the coastal California gnatcatcher and the least Bell's vireo.  He participated in the Comprehensive Species Management Plan and the Habitat Conservation Plan for the least Bell's vireo, and managed several large-scale regional planning efforts for these species.  He also worked on several large-scale conservation planning efforts for the Quino checkerspot butterfly.  His combination of extensive field experience and large-scale resource planning experience uniquely qualifies him to provide strategy and implementation assistance for habitat banks.

Mr. Jones has extensive experience in management and preparation of project based environmental documents subject to CEQA and NEPA guidelines.  These projects have ranged from small- and large-scale transportation projects, small lot splits to master plans in excess of 25,000 acres, public facilities siting studies and others.  His work involved close interaction with local, state, and federal officials at all aspects of the permitting process under Section 4(d), Section 7 and Section 10(a) of the Federal Endangered Species Act, Section 404 permitting requirements for the Clean Water Act, Section 2081 and Section 1600 of the California Fish and Game Code, and others.

As president of Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc., San Diego, California during the 1980's and 1990's, and through his role as a Senior Project Manager for ERC Environmental and Energy Services Company (AMEC Environmental) and HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc. (as an independent contractor), Mr. Jones developed an extensive track record of accomplishments in the field of conservation biology.
Mr. Jones holds a B.A. in biology from Point Loma College, USFWS Endangered/Threatened Species Permits for the least Bell's vireo and coastal California gnatcatcher, and is a charter member of the Least Bell's Vireo Working Group and California Gnatcatcher Working Group.  He is active in his local church and the San Diego Flyfishers.

Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc.
7578 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 200, La Mesa, California USA 91941
Telephone (619) 742-2068

John Paul Woodley


Principal, Advantus Strategies

John Paul Woodley, Jr., brings clients the unique relationships, insights and abilities he developed while serving at the highest levels of state and federal government.  After his tenure as Deputy Attorney General of Virginia for Government Operations, Woodley served as Secretary of Natural Resources for Virginia, with overall responsibility for environmental protection and permitting, outdoor recreation and open space management, inland and marine fisheries and historic resources in the Commonwealth.

In 2001, Woodley was appointed Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environment, the principal environmental advisor to the Secretary of Defense.  In that role, Woodley was responsible for policy and oversight of the Defense Department's environmental cleanup, compliance, pollution prevention and natural resource management.

From 2003 to 2009, Woodley served as Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), supervising the civil works functions of the Department of the Army, including the civil works activities of the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Arlington National Cemetery.

Strengthening the Corps wetland regulatory program was a major initiative under Woodley's leadership. His most notable accomplishments were overseeing restoration of the Florida Everglades, and the reconstruction of the hurricane protection system for New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

Since leaving the public sector in 2009, Woodley has focused on providing strategic counsel and representation to public and private sector clients in the water resources development arena, including both regulatory and project-related issues involving the Corps, USEPA, the Department of Defense, and the Department of the Interior.

Woodley has been honored with the U. S. Army Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service, the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service, the Silver de Fleury Medal from the Army Engineer Regiment, and as a Fellow of the U. S. Section of PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure.  Woodley is also a Distinguished Diplomate in Navigation Engineering of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE).   Woodley serves as a Trustee of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.

Advantus Strategies
9617 Staysail Court
Burke, VA 22015
Telephone (703) 304-0752

John Doolittle


Principal, John T. Doolittle, LLC. Former Congressman

John T. Doolittle served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 through 2009, representing the voters of northern California. He served as a House Deputy Whip and, as Republican Conference Secretary, was the sixth highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives. He served on the House Appropriations Committee, where he was Vice Chairman of the Energy and Water Subcommittee; on the House Natural Resources Committee, where he was Chairman of the Water and Power Subcommittee; and on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Agriculture Committee. He also served on the Congressional Internet Caucus, working on content, application, intellectual property and other issues affecting the technology sector. Through the introduction and passage of H. Con. Res 268 in the House of Representatives, he led the effort in Congress in 2005 to maintain U.S. oversight over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the body which coordinates the technical day-to-day operation of the Internet’s domain name and addressing system, rather than surrendering it to the control of an international body as some in foreign countries were demanding. During his Congressional service, he moved 75 legislative bills, 45 of which were signed into law by the President on issues such as surplus Federal property transfers, Federal electric power resource efficiencies, water resource management, and conservation and recycling programs. He was closely involved in Congressional oversight, including managing 35 oversight hearings and 15 General Accounting Office investigations, on issues such as the Energy Department’s Power Marketing Administrations; the Interior Department’s Bureau of Reclamation; the U.S. Geological Survey; interstate water compacts; and Indian water rights settlements. Prior to entering Congress, he served for ten years as a California State Senator representing northern California districts. He holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and a Bachelors Degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and was admitted to the State Bar of California in 1978. He lives in Oakton, VA with his wife Julie, and they have a son and a daughter.

John T. Doolittle, LLC
10531 Mereworth Lane
Oakton, VA 22124
Telephone (916) 201-4676

Joseph Findaro


Of Counsel, Akerman Senterfitt

Joseph Findaro is a member of the policy practice group in the Washington, D.C. office of the law firm of Akerman Senterfitt. He has done extensive work on behalf of clients in the areas of natural resources, water, energy, environmental and Native American matters at the federal and state levels. He has more than twenty-five years of experience working with the U.S. Congress, Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Management and Budget, and the White House. Mr. Findaro's practice focuses on a number of environment and natural resources matters such as: mitigation banking, National Environmental Policy Act compliance; Central Valley Project water supply; Safe Drinking Water Act; Clean Water Act; tribal water settlements; Colorado River/Endangered Species Act and Bureau of Reclamation water facility title transfers. Mr. Findaro is admitted to the Bar in New York and District of Columbia.

Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Findaro served in the Reagan Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He also served in the Washington, DC Office of California Governor Deukmejian as Counsel from 1983 - 1985. Mr. Findaro continues to work with many top ranking officials in federal agencies and has developed positive working relationships Members and key staff in the U.S. Congress.

Joseph Findaro graduated in 1981 with a J.D from Fordham University School of Law, and in 1978 with a B.A. in Political Science and Psychology (Summa Cum Laude) from Tufts University. He lives in Virginia with his family where he is active in educational and community affairs.

Published Work and Lectures

•    Instructor - Environmental Law & Policy, Catholic University School of Civil Engineering, Washington, DC, 1992 - Present
•    Instructor - American Law Seminar, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA, Foreign Law Program, University of Salzburg, Austria, 1994 - 1996

Akerman Senterfitt
750 9th Street, N.W., Suite 750, Washington, D.C.  20001
Telephone (202) 824-1702

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