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McCollum & Sweetwater . . .
Your first and last stop for wetland mitigation banks and upland conservation banks.

Serving as one of the nation's premier land banking companies, we specialize in joint venture partnerships with landowners and conservationists.
Credit Sales
Wetland Mitigation Banks
Upland Conservation Banks

Wetland mitigation banks and upland conservation banks ("land banks") are potentially profitable alternatives to traditional commercial and residential development projects. If a parcel has sensitive wildlife habitat or is located within planned wildlife corridors, its highest and best use may be as biological open space. In the past, this represented a significant down zone in terms of value. However, with the land bank option the value may be competitive with typical development strategies. A critical benefit to creation of a land bank is the economic advantage to the landowner. The ability to sell mitigation or conservation credits provides private landowners with an incentive to develop their lands for conservation, rather than for other purposes. Land banks are important tools in achieving long-term conservation goals and objectives throughout the state. Land banks also benefit those seeking to mitigate impacts through more streamlined and affordable mitigation procedures.
Sacramento Conservation banking was formally introduced on April 7, 1995 at a ceremony for Bank of America's Carlsbad Highlands Conservation Bank. At that ceremony, the first-in-the-nation statewide policy encouraging conservation banking was incorporated into federal policy by the Secretary of the Interior. 


McCollum Associates was instrumental in the development of the state and federal conservation banking programs. Michael McCollum, as part of a National Mitigation Banking Association working group, helped pass legislation and draft the first national wetland mitigation and banking guideline, the USACOE/EPA 2008 Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for wetlands. The Final Rule prioritized mitigation banks as an appropriate mitigation strategy. During that effort, in affiliation with Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc., McCollum & Sweetwater has developed over 20 conservation and mitigation banks in California and nearby states over the past 25 years. No other team has our level of experience or regulatory understanding to create banks individually tailored to landowners' needs. While McCollum & Sweetwater creates and markets land banks in a variety of ways, our specialty is working with landowners through joint venture agreements. This approach allows the landowner to retain significant ownership and income in the bank, yet take advantage of our institutional knowledge and experience.

Wetland Mitigation Banks
Credits for Sale
(Jump to
Upland Conservation Banks)

Upland Conservation Banks
Credits for Sale 
(Jump to Wetland Mitigation Banks)

(Techbilt Construction, Inc.) Upland, Coastal Chaparral. Carlsbad.

Service Area: San Diego County including coastal areas.
This 43-acre site is part of a larger biological open space
near Palomar Airport. It is managed by the
Center for Natural Lands Management.

Download Bank Brochure

Remaining Habitat Types
Available for Purchase
Coastal sage

Oak riparian forest (can be used to meet oak woodland mitigation obligations)

Southern Maritime Chaparral

Southern Mixed Chaparral

Riparian/FWM (not Corps approved)






(Tech-Bilt, Inc.). Upland/Maritime Chaparral/Coastal Sage Scrub. Encinitas. Service Area: San Diego County including coastal areas.

No Credits are currently for sale.
Potentially more will become available later.
Please call or check this page for updates.
This bank is selling conservation credits for coastal sage scrub and maritime chaparral habitats. Listed plant species abound on this 150-acre bank along the San Diego County coast. If you need mitigation for state or federally listed plants, this may be the place.

(Judd RR Investments, LLC) Upland/Grassland, Burrowing Owl & Vernal Pool Habitat. Ramona.
Service Area: San Diego County (see below).

Click here for a map of the Service Area

UPDATE:  3/2/2023
There are 19.8 NNG/Burrowing Owl Credits remaining and 4.0 vernal pool credits available for sale at this bank.

This bank offers 200 credits of non-native grassland/burrowing owl habitat and vernal pools. The bank's Service Area for grassland credits includes the East Otay Mesa Specific Plan (EOMSP) area within the South County Segment of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) and Planning Units 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 23 of the Draft North County MSCP. Areas outside of this area could use the bank upon concurrence from the Wildlife Agencies. Vernal pool credits are limited to Planning Units 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 23 of the Draft North County MSCP.

Call (916) 708-2727 or email for pricing

Location Map

San Diego Habitat Conservancy video on burrowing owl population at the Bank

San Diego Union Tribune news article

Call or email for prices and other information.

(Cadiz, Inc.) Desert Tortoise & Dry Wash Habitat. San Bernardino County.
Service Area: San Bernardino County Desert.
Click here for a map of the Service Area.

This 7,400-acre bank resides in designated critical habitat for the Desert Tortoise in the County of San Bernardino. Credits are immediately available for impacts to desert tortoise habitat, dry wash, and other desert habitats.

Lady Bug Picnic


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